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Members at Home and Abroad

Visits, Gatherings, Mini Reunions & even a Wedding!

Midland METOC's reunion 28/29th March 2015


In July 2014 Ray Brooker met up with Steve Howard at Chatham where photographs were taken. We were asked to add one or two to the guestbook but they come out a bit small in there so here are a couple of photographs from the day. Mob handed they answer to Ray, Sandy, Rosina and Steve. SAM_0759web

Metoc old timers lunch time session, 17 Feb. 2015

Pauline Plackett, the elusive Bob Burgess, Ashley Price, Ian Plackett, Charlie Charles and Gill Charles meet up for lunch at a country Pub near Melton Mowbray. Big thanks to Ash for his excellent choice of pub and for organising the mini meet.




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Connecting (2216 downloads ) pdf document

Wish You Were Here

Wish You Were Here

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Wish You Were Here (2228 downloads ) pdf document

Where Are They Now!

From time to time we come across old friends who have disappeared from the scene for some time, when they resurface we try to give an account of where they are now.

Where Are They Now

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Where Are They Now (2593 downloads ) pdf document

Ex - Pats

cloudobservers get everywhere!!

The French Connection – David Pegg, Jo Collinson, John Whithead and Rosemary Thorpe

Down Under – Australia – Chris Robinson, Dave Strike, Margaret & Terry Johnson, Pam Nicolson, Barbara Wood, Graham Nicholas – Tasmania Pat & Alex Healey – New Zealand Gill Lamprey

Elsewhere in the World – John Woolgar is in Bermuda, Lindis Hoffman and Janet Jaehne in America, Russell Price in Portugal, Catherine Andriani in Italy, Barry Walsh in Saudi, Andrea Adubato in Belgium, Bob Burgess in Norway with Ashley Price and Phillip Charles both still at sea!!!!!

Ex -  Pats

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Ex Pats (2046 downloads ) pdf document