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World War 2

The information for these presentations comes from a series of informational booklets published by His Majesty’s Stationary Office in the 1940’s. This is one of a number of books that were bought by Peter Squibbs father during WW2. They were sold [usually for 6d or 1s] to keep people informed of various theatres of war and as a boost to morale.
These books have now been donated to the Imperial War Museum archives and other organisations.

World War 2

HMSO Booklets

Title (Download Total)

File Type

The Battle of Britain [Military] (1910 downloads ) Pdf
His Majesty's Minesweepers [Military] (3422 downloads ) Pdf
The Post Office went to War [Home] (1930 downloads ) Pdf
There's Freedom in the Air [Military] (2723 downloads ) Pdf
Air Sea Rescue [Military] (3318 downloads ) Pdf
Build the Ships [The Home Front] (2431 downloads ) Pdf
The Air Battle for Malta [Military] (3802 downloads ) Pdf
Arctic War [The Military Campaign] (1709 downloads ) Pdf