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Our Reunions

The Midland Metocs go South

18th to 25th September 2021
Culdrose Manor

Our Reunions

We held Reunions every three years. 2006 was our first, then came 2009, Pdf's of which can be found below. Both of these Reunions were held in Portsmouth. For our 2012 Reunion we ventured North to Nottingham.

Cloud Observers Reunion - University of Nottingham

7 to 9th September 2012

Reunion 2012

Title (Download Total)

File Type

The Setting - University of Nottingham (1827 downloads ) pdf document
Setting Up (1770 downloads ) pdf document
Friday Night (2783 downloads ) pdf document
Saturday Morning (1986 downloads ) pdf document
Saturday Afternoon (1744 downloads ) pdf document
Saturday Evening - Tot (1976 downloads ) pdf document
Saturday Evening - Meal (3307 downloads ) pdf document
Sunday Morning - Winding Down (1829 downloads ) pdf document
Ash's pictures (2030 downloads ) pdf document
The Flops (1736 downloads ) pdf document
Nottingham University 2012 (1722 downloads ) pdf document


Ian Plackett and Colin Brenchley pictured at the Reunion in Portsmouth in 2009 are trying to remember how to operate the Assmans Aspirated Psychrometer Mk2 !!! The teenagers in the B & W photo are the same people 43 years earlier in 1966 on board HMS Hermes.

Reunion 2006

Title (Download Total)

File Type

Pre Meal (1734 downloads ) pdf document
Who Sat Where 2006 Reunion (7393 downloads ) pdf document
Gala Meal (1736 downloads ) pdf document
Post Meal (1625 downloads ) pdf document
Tot Time (1788 downloads ) pdf document
Met Office (1695 downloads ) pdf document
Presentations (1802 downloads ) pdf document
The Weekend 1 (1724 downloads ) pdf document
The Weekend 2 (1696 downloads ) pdf document
A Few Stragglers (1742 downloads ) pdf document

Reunion 2009

Title (Download Total)

File Type

Arrival & Setting Up (1722 downloads ) pdf document
Who Sat Where (2595 downloads ) pdf document
Met Office is Open (1793 downloads ) pdf document
Cloud Observers United (1822 downloads ) pdf document
Gunwharf Quays (1750 downloads ) pdf document

Retreads Reunited

The first weekend in June saw a retread reunion by the first group who went through the School in 1971. An enjoyable weekend, as will be seen from the report and photographs below, was had by all. Should any other have a get-together, don’t forget to send a short report and a couple of pictures to the secretary for inclusion on the web site.



Retreads Reunion

Title (Download Total)

File Type

Retreads Reunion (2118 downloads ) pdf document